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Jul 17, 2011
Shelter Tidbits
Good Morning It seems I'm going to start this email the same way I have started others - apologizing for being so long in between. Time...
Apr 18, 2010
Shelder Tidbits
Good Morning! The shelter has had some very exciting days lately! Spring is in the air, the sun is shining and our new shelter is right...
Dec 21, 2009
Merry Christmas
Hello So many exciting things have been happening for the dogs at the Sheriffs dept., the Hillman 2nd and 6th graders used their own...
Nov 30, 2009
Shelder Tidbits
Good Morning, Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with friends or family. The Elk Country Animal Shelter has much to be thankful for...
Aug 3, 2009
Boy oh Boy we have lots of news!!
The Montmorency County Fair is over and we did FANTASTIC! The booth raised $942.00 in sales of T-shirts, doggie coats, a couple of...
Feb 17, 2009
Some news
Hi Everyone, Just a few tidbits….. Another iGive check was received, this check was for $62.10, pretty nice having them come in regular...
Jan 5, 2009
Shelter Tidbits
JANUARY 2009 Good Morning Much has happened since the last shelter tid bits was sent out; as you can see by the pictures the building is...
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