Good Morning
Much has happened since the last shelter tid bits was sent out; as you can see by the pictures the building is finally looking like the shelter we have all dreamed of.
The famous kennel gates that we have been talking about and waiting on for what seems to be eons, have arrived and have been installed. They certainly were worth waiting for, all welded stainless steel, double latch system, all it takes is one hand or even just an elbow to open and they latch close with the simple shut of the gate. The dog dishes have been mounted and plumbed for automatic watering, they too are stainless and pop off easily for cleaning.
The geo thermal system is up and running, and the special rate meter has been installed by electric company. We should see benefits from this for many, many years to come.
The grooming tub is installed and plumbed, the picture shows the plumber still in process (or taking a break J) but it’s now in place and ready to bathe dogs when we are ready.
The cat cages will be making their way out of the storage building to the shelter today, they too will be put into place over the next week.
The washer and dryer will be delivered today, the dishwasher has already arrived and just waiting to be installed.
All the painting is complete, two coats of Benjamin Moore epoxy throughout the interior, thank you Benjamin Moore!
All the new lighting is in, most of the electrical and plumbing is complete, security system is in process, computer networking was already present and we will appreciate having that.
There are still items left to complete, vinyl baseboard, cabinets/countertops, set cages, odds and ends, cleaning and last but not least the inspection, license to operate and then OPEN OUR DOORS!
The day we can walk those dogs from those frigid outdoor kennels at the Sheriff’s department to the warmth and comfort of the Elk Country Animal Shelter will be the very best day ever! This will be the day we have waited so long for and it’s almost here; one day very soon we will wake up and it will no longer be just a dream.